Sunday, September 18, 2011

What will happen if you don't pay the state of California for your child's health insurance?

I have Medi-Cal for my infant son because i cannot afford to put him on my health insurance and his father hasn't helped one penny in that department either.

Now that my son has been approved for state health ins., a case has been opened to go after his father for compensation...which is what he gets for not taking care of his responsibilites.

How much will they go after him for and what will happen if he doesn't pay?|||They'll go after him for 25% of what he makes, or reasonable minimums, which in CA is $250 a month, MINIMUM.

If he doesn't pay, they'll attach his paychecks, attach his wages, and if the amount owed goes over $5,000, they'll suspend the renewal of any licenses he gets through the state, including drivers licenses. If he STILL doesn't pay, then they'll assign him weekend jail time, where he has to pick up trash on the side of the road at $8 an hour, and that whole entire amount, goes to pay the child support.

California is VERY aggressive about deadbeat dads.|||Why you don't apply for Healthy Families? Healthy Families is low cost insurance for children and teens in CA. It provides health, dental and vision coverage to children who do not have insurance and do not qualify for free Medi-Cal in California.|||What kind of laws does the state of California have? You mean to tell me you have a job that offers health insurance, but because you don't want to pay for it (can't afford it...ha, who can?) you get state health insurance? Maybe I need to move to California and get over on the system. After all you have one kid I've got three.|||It the same insurance agencies is present in California then you have to not take any approval . I have found the same in , pls. have a look.||||||they will call you for the money continously

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