Sunday, September 18, 2011

What are some reasons why parent's are responsible for their child's health? Why?

I need help, in my English class we're learning about childhood obesity. We learned that fast foods industries are not the only ones responsible for the increase of childhood obesity but also parents as well are responsible too. Why do you think they influence their child's health and sometimes contribute to their child's obesity problem if their child as it or not?|||Do you seriously not know the answer to that? Because it's the parents job to feed their child. If the parent only provides unhealthy meals the child will be unhealthy and possibly obese. Which would be the parents fault! A child can't just go to the store and buy their own healthy meals. Maybe a teenager could, but not a child.|||Simple. Parents choose whether or not to feed their kids fast food and this sets them up with a pattern for the rest of their life. Parents are ultimately responsible for EVERY aspect of their child's health.

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