Friday, September 23, 2011

What happens when you turn 18, and are involved in a child and adolescent mental health service?UK?

Do you get referred to an adult service by the child and adolescent one? Or once you turn 18 is that the end of it? Are you only referred if the people you see think you need a referral, or can you request one yourself? Im in the UK.|||I'm sorry that I can't answer specifically for the UK, but I would imagine that the system is quite similar to the one we have in Finland. If only a bit of whatever your treatment is remains, then they will probably continue to treat you within the adolescent mental health service. They aren't that strict about the cut off point, particularly when you have a long history of treatment as an adolescent. However, if you may still require treatment for many years, you will be transferred to the adult mental health service.|||once you turn 18 if you still need help from MH services, you will be referred to the adult side. you can give your choice of what or who you would like help from, and if this is available and is right for your needs, then there shouldn't be a problem with that. you could ask at the children and adolescent unit what you want so they can sort it all out for you.

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