Sunday, September 18, 2011

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child?

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child? Please tell about the physical health, diseases, eating and sleeping condition of your child/children.|||I have two children, ages 6 years and 2 years. They have never been vaccinated. They don't have any health problems, and take no medication, prescription or over the counter. They have never had an ear infection. At checkups with their family practice doctor, the doctor is always amazed at their exceedingly good health. They are also very smart and happy. They fall asleep easily at bedtime and sleep through the night.

Both kids were born at home with no interventions. Both were breast fed for 2 years.

Eating: Absolutely no artificial sweeteners. We never buy anything with artificial flavors or colors, or hydrogenated oils. They are sometimes exposed to those ingredients at restaurants and birthday parties.

Diseases they've had:

chickenpox(both kids)

pertussis and swine flu (6 year old)

measles (2 year old)

"mstess," your kids got this these shots:鈥?/a> (just DTP, MMR, and polio).

Babies these days get these shots:鈥?/a> As you can see, there is a huge difference between what your kids got and what babies get now.|||Vaccinated

No health problems whatsoever in any of my children.|||vaccinated and perfectly healthy.|||Vaccinated (except for swine flu and normal flu jabs).

Totally healthy. Sleeps 12 hours a night. Fussy eater but getting much better now. He is 2.|||Son was vaccinated on schedule...we believe him to be undiagnosed ADHD %26amp; chronic constipation, grinds his teeth in his sleep, very skinny/borderline under-weight though he consumes adequate calories and fat. When he is sick even with just a cold he gets super high fevers like 103 104 %26amp; even sometimes 105...He also had an issue with projectile vomiting when he was under age 1. He was a c-section, and formula fed.

Daughter was on a alternative schedule...similar to the Dr. Sears book. No health concerns what so ever...She was also born at home without any drugs. No eye goop. and no Hep. B vaccine...Just Vitamin K. Exclusively breast fed for almost 6 months, before starting solids...also did not start her on grains, we started with squash.

#3 is on her way, due in May. She will also be on an alternative schedule. Planning another homebirth.|||My daughter had all the standard vaccines, and is now a robust 18.

She had next to no childhood ills---rarely caught colds, and nothing that lingered.

She had no food issues at all, slept through the night from 6 weeks (7:30pm-7:am) each day.

She didn't nap...not ever...but I worked around that.

And before someone decides that her "special need" came from a vaccine, she has a genetic anomaly...her father and I shared a recessive gene that was a one in 500,000 long shot, and is not tested for. She is now an honor student in her second semester of college, and no kidding, is working on her first novel.

The only vaccine we have held back on is HPV. That has to be her choice, but I am only reluctant because they are not suggesting the vaccine for young men. I don't grasp the logic of vaccinating only half the population, and basing that choice on gender.|||Both of my kids were vaccinated. They are 29 and 30 now. They are the healthiest people I know. When they were small they both had chicken pox (there was no vaccine then) My son was quite sick and my daughter was fine and mad she couldn't go to school. My son has had strep throat once, and my daughter had 1 ear infection when she was six. That's it. They don't even get a cold. My daughter has been at the same job for over 12 years and never missed a day at work from being sick. Would they have been just as healthy if they were not vaccinated? I honestly don't know. I do know that my kids played outside all the time, and were not allowed to sit in the house and watch T.V. Our neighbours 2 girls hardly ever played outside. They watched movies inside all the time. They are the sickest family I have ever seen. They are the same age as my kids, and to this day are always sick.

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