Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why would a child getting measles trigger a county-wide health warning?

I just saw that my county has issued a health warning because a school-age child has come down with measles. They are urging everyone who isn't vaccinated or immune to get vaccinated. Why? When I was a kid, everybody got measles. It wasn't fun and it wasn't pretty, but you got over it. As far as I know, it's not a killer disease. Why would measles trigger this kind of panic? Has anyone else heard of anything like this before? Just curious ...|||May I ask where you are from? I know that in the US, a child is required by LAW to receive the MMR (Measels, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. Their are parents who chose to sign a waiver to not have their child(ren) receive the vaccine, however there has to be a ligitament reason (ie; religious reasons, etc) not just that dont want them to get it. Measels is a very contagious, and deadly disease. The thing about it is, that it is 100% preventable, as long as people are vaccinated for it. The panic lays because it is such a contagious disease that once one person gets it, then thousands and millions of people get it. I do not personally understand why everyone is not vaccinated from this, sense it saves millions of lives each year. Please "google" or "yahoo" this disease to see what the complications/side effects are from this disease. Then you will understand why there is such a panic about it. In the US they are even asking Adults to get a "Booster" vaccine for this disease- as to help further prevent the spread and contaimination of it. I hope this doesnt scare you too much, but it really is a scary disease. Best of luck in your research.|||because measles can be very hard on people. It is very contageious you wouldnt want EVERY child in the county to have it at the same time. its one of those things that we have the cure fore before it starts, so sace your self the pain and get imunized.|||Because it's a highly contagious disease.|||I think it's because ALL children are supposed to have had measels shots before they start school, so there should be NO cases of measels anywhere.

Anyone who somehow missed the shots and hasn't had the disease could get it. I don't know why they think it's so dangerous, but I went blind temporarily when I had them. It wasn't a good disease to have.

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