Sunday, September 18, 2011

Does having a child at a young age affect the childs health?

If you are like 13, and have a child, is it at higher risk for health problems than if you had the child at say, 20? If Im not mistaken, having a child too late in life can cause problems, but what about too early?

Just wondering. This has nothing to do with any situations Im in by the way.|||Not sure, but i do know that if you have your child under the age of 25, they on average have longer life span|||I will tell you this it does more harm to the mother than the child. I had my first child when I was fifteen years old. I will tell you the morning sickness was awful. Now four children later I was told I shouldn't have anymore children. I am now twenty one years old. My new hubby and I had a lot of problems conciving but after two years we did it. I was told my problem were due to having my four boys too early in life. It is better to wait until you are at least twenty to have a child because your body isn't equiped to bear children at such a young age.|||there is no way to know that. baby's can be born with illness from a mother of any age. i do know that if you are older than 40 your baby has more risk for illnesses but younger i'm not sure|||No, Its not going to affect the baby's health. It will affect the mother's health however if she is not mature enough.|||there is no way my mom had me at 17 and u shouldn't have any children at 13 it could affect you because your body is not ready

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