Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cigarette smokers To Pay for child health care?

This is very odd..

I have to say, I smoke but don't drink.. . Drinking causes far more health risks then smoking ever did, look at all those people killed by drunk drivers?.. Children die in car accidents, children become homeless, we pay for parents to drink when we pay for medicaid., to take their child to a doctor, yet they have the money to go sit in a bar. I can't believe the people who hate smokers, but will sit under a tree smoking pot.. How about the congress and their fine parties where Alcohol is drank?

I hate it so I think we should charge a 1.00 per drink to pay for that tax..lol at least we would be fair in doing that.. What do you say? Oh and lets also tell people who drink and gamble, to pay a speical tax also.. How about Chocolate eater, or people who eat to much at McDonalds.. Yeah..lol Do you see where it is going?.. They have no better ideas to help this country, they just throw stuff around to show they over paid!!

Wake up People!!|||They complain about how smoking kills and all they do is tax it. Way to go dems.

If it is so bad they should ban it. But alas they will not too much money to be made.|||Oh us smokers pay a chunk of taxes every time we buy our cigarettes. If our government really cared about Americans health then we'd all have insurance.|||People in South Carolina aready pay too much to drink. Not that they need to drink. In restaurants it's really expensive to get a mixed drink.|||I know.

It7s just law after stupid law.

The problem is because lawmakers are not thinking logically and in the long term when they make these laws. They just make a snappy decision to shut people up like giving a pacifier to an infant. They have no regard for liberty and will not stop until our freedom is gone completely.

People just don't believe in personal responsibility anymore.

That's why we ALL need to VOTE for RON PAUL '08.|||If those political jerks in Washington, all the State assemblies and Senates and in the municipalties stop getting extra perks, subsidies, and free health care not a single soul in this nation need to pay for somebody else's health care!|||tax junk food as well! all the ads are for kids and that's who pays for it in ill health anyway so why not pay for their health care!|||Oh brother.

If you are polluting the air, then pay the price.

If your pollution is making your children sick, then pay for that.

That goes for any smoker.

I don't drink, smoke or take drugs, I do not like chocolate, and rarely eat at McDonald's.

But MY eating chocolate will not endanger another human. YOUR smoking will and does.

MY eating McDonald's will not endanger another human, but YOUR smoking will.

If your children are sick due to your smoking, then why should I in any way pay for their care.

You chose the habit, that you know can hurt them.

It is more like, 'I love these smokes, more than I want my children to have good health.'

I do wait eagerly, where smoking in a closed car, with children 12 and under, is illegal.

Drinking and driving is illegal. So why not killing your own children slowly, be illegal?

Anyone that smokes where someone else has to breath that dirty air, thinks only of themselves and the other people are second, that includes your children. You may say you would do anything for them, but smoking near them belies that statement.

They come second to your cigarettes.

Solution: quit smoking, it can be done, has been done, and is really not that hard, if you want to, that is if you want to put your children's health before your cigarettes.

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