Friday, September 23, 2011

I want more kids, but health means I will have an only child. Any onelies out there? How do you feel about it

I always thought I would have more kids, but due to a very high risk pregnancy the first time around and some minor health problems, I doubt I will be able to have another one. My son is now four, and it saddens me that he may never have a sibling to play with. I don't really know any only children (either adult or child) and was looking for input from parent's of only children or adult only children. Thanks for the input.|||i had a terrible time giving birth to my son 17 years ago my heart gave up twice , it had to be kickstarted and although at first i declared myself of having no more never ever . How true that would be because when our son was 5 we craved another but hospital advised us if i did give birth again my son would not have a mum as it would be too much on my heart so i gave up the idea of having any more and concentrated on our son instead .. he has grown up very loved , spoilt , (to a degree) and wants for nothing ..|||I am mostly an only child, altho my dad adopted a girl when I was 7.

I never had a problem with it at all. And I wasnt ever jealous of people that had siblings.|||my son is also 4 and he is my only one. like you i thought i was going to have 4 kids!! well, it dosen't look like its going to happen for me either. my hubby already has 3 kids from previous relationships and so he dosen't want anymore. so my son does have half brothers and a sister but its nothing like a full blood one.

i, on the other hand, grew up as an only child and it had its ups and downs. i would have liked to have a sibling to talk to but then again i liked all the attention i got!|||If you really want a child that bad and you have really good doctors why not try just one more time. I have some friends who have health problems but with their female organs and they have been lucky to be able to have several children despite doctors telling them that it could kill them. I don't think there is anything wrong with an only child.

I personally also have a 4 year old and I was fine with having just 1 child but as time went on I wanted another and I am pregnant again =)|||well adoption isnt always a bad thing in situations like this. i am the only child and i personally love it cause i get the attention. i was spoiled but i grew out of that. i personally prefer to be alone. i have a yr old son and im ttc another one cause i do want more than one kid. i can relate cause i worry that i wont have more children to give him. but with adopting you can give him a sibling and love as if its your own cause in the end its almost is, a parent is someone who provides and nuture their children. whose there for them through thick and thin, and blood has nothing to do with it, its the essence of parenthood. so i hope you adopt. i want to adopt at least one child.|||Your son is now 4 and you believe you can get one more, so it is fine by the Grace of God you will get. Be confident and keep your medicine continue. Trust in God. He will help you your pregnancy problem, its real and almost women do face. So don't be discourage and take care while taking medicine and during your pregnancy to avoid any .....

Follow strictly Gyne advises and do regularly. We are in advanced medical age and nothing is impossible. If God willing every thing will be perfect and you will have a baby.|||Sorry to hear about your health problems. I'm not an only child, but I think there are pros and cons of both types of families. Don't worry too much about it.

Getting pregnant and giving birth to a child that you created is an indescribably wonderful and amazing feeling. However, as someone else said, don't forget about adoption. There are plenty of children already in the world who are in need of a loving family. And in the end, it won't matter whether the child is biological or adopted - you will love him just the same.|||Have you considered adoption? No pregnancy, and you get to enrich and beautify the life of a child who so badly needs love. I understand your fear of an only child, I hate the fact that if I don't have more children my daughter will be alone when her father and I are gone. Give it a thought.

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