Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is it possible to only cover your child and not yourself on health insurance?

Employee health insurance...Can you not cover the employee and only the child?|||I think that it would really depend on the company and things. You would probably have to ask both the company you work for and the insurance company. Many states, however, have state-sponsored childrens health insurance programs.|||i think you can threw blew cross and blue sheil. my wife and i where just checking on that and theye gave us a quote. hope thyis helps|||Hmmm....your child really needs you. Why would you not cover yourself? An illness can ruin a family financially and emotionally, and a death that could have been avoided, well that's plain waste. I'm sure many insurance policies will cover your child. They want the business. But please consider the consequences of not covering yourself. It's worth the cost....peace of mind and all that!|||For EMPLOYEE health insurance, all terms are in the master policy between the employer and the underwriter. I doubt that you would be able to cover the child without the employee; however with the many blended families now it may be possible. Human resources at your firm would have the master policy. Covering the child outside of an employee policy would probablybe much cheaper, though...In addition, as mentioned below, if the family income is in range, you can take advantage of your state's CHIP program designed specifically for uninsured children. I've been without without insurance for five years now, and cover my two teen age boys only with their school's accident policy. It's a risk, but all that I can afford.

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