Sunday, September 18, 2011

Does the midwife or health visitor bring you a child first book start? from uk?

I read on the internet that when you have your baby you will get a child first book start off the health visitor or midwife. anyone get it?|||I got mine when I registered my son. But I think the health visitors have them as well, so ask.|||My health visitor gave me the first bookstart pack when I went to baby clinic, I think my daughter was between 7-8 months old at the time.

The first pack is provided in a canvas bag and contains two books, plus various leaflets and a rhyme sheet. If you are not offered one before your child reaches 9 months then ask your health visitor about it. I think you can also pick them up from your local library|||Nope I never got it - I read that you need to ask them for it. I can't see why they wouldn't just offer it. The library also offers something for free so ask there too.|||i got mine when i took my daughter for her injections

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