Sunday, September 18, 2011

Does having sex while sleeping with child affect mental health?

My 9-year-old daughter often sleep in our bedroom in separated bed. My husband and I are quite often having sex after making sure that she is already sleeping well. Does it affect her mental health? Is there anybody know whether a child brain could 'record' sex activities around while he is sleeping well?|||There may be some subconscious absorption of sounds but I would doubt if it would have any detrimental effects.

Juicie was, just now, really cruel and I'd like to offset her position a little. There are people who believe that children should be sheltered forever if possible. You're not doing anything wrong except perhaps being too lenient. You need your own space; if she has a room to go to, she should.|||I'm not sure that's such a good idea! I doubt it will affect her mental health if she sleeps through it (maybe make her have some weird dreams) but what if she wakes up!? If she did wake up, I doubt she'd let you know anyway; she might be pretty embarrassed. I had friends that 'caught' their parents having sex when they were about that age, and it was quite troubling to them. It's one thing just to know your parents have sex (at least it's normal behavior though), but totally another thing to actually see/hear them in the act. I seriously suggest you %26amp; your family make some other kind of arrangement. Is it possible she could sleep in another room? If not, could you %26amp; your husband quietly move to another room after your daughter is asleep? If not, this could end up being very bad for her. Plus, sex is something that you and your husband should share privately, something to be enjoyed between the two of you, and only the two of you, in an intimate and private setting where you can both relax and enjoy it and not have to worry about someone else intruding. Best wishes.|||Sex isn't the issue here. The issue having a chilc of that age still sleeping with you. You're creating a dependence that is not healthy for her well being. Also you can not be sure she is really asleep while you are having sex or whether or not she awakens while you are having intercourse and how it effects her.|||if she's asleep it won't affect her. but you can never be absolutely certain that she won't wake up, even for a minute

also check your local state law -- having sex in the presence of a child may be considered child abuse in your state|||Why don't you put your daughter in her own room so that you and your husband can have sex. Children imitate what they see so don't be surprised if your daughter starts imitating your actions. You are disgusting|||You seriously need to rethink your sleeping arragements. I have 3 children and even though I have a small apartment none of them slept in my room pass age three and if I wanted to make love to my parnter the youngest would sleep wiith her sisters that night or we would wait until they weren't home. You really can't be sure that she's sleep all the time she might be watching you under her eyelids and what if she goes to school and tells someone? In NY that would be considered damaging the welfare of a minor and it could get you at the very least arrested and told to go to psychatric therapy. Why can't you leave the room if for some reason your daughter had to sleep with you? My daughter slept in my room for a year after she was molested but I'm a single mom and don't have a partner in fact it's me her and the dog. So even though we were in the same room the most that I had to worry about was what tv shows I watched while she was in here. And no she wasn't with me when she was molested she was visiting her father and someone he thought was a friend tried to rape her and his other daughter while he was at the store. She didn't feel secure in her room by her self it took a year of therapy for her to realize that I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. You need to consider what you're teaching your daughter. That you don't respect your privacy or hers. Would you want her walking in on you?? Oh right it wouldn't matter to you because you don't need privacy.|||Umm You do know that some times kids wake up right? there's a probability that she woke up and acted like she was asleep once. If you don't make her sleep in another room she might just start doing it herself at an early age since she was so openly exploited to it.|||your 9 yr old needs to stay the night in her own room!|||It scares me that people like you raise children. I have heard of similar stories and alot of people including child protective services consider that sexual abuse. I'm worried about your mental health and why you would think that its acceptable to have sex in the same room as your child.|||I used to babysit a little boy, about 18 months old when his parents were working. His parents had him sleeping in their room while they had sex. How do I know this? Because their child would make "sex sounds" during the day. I knew that he slept in their room, but obviously they didn't move him when they were being intimate.

Have your child sleep somewhere else! 9 is old enough to sleep on their own, and you need privacy.|||If you have to ask a question like that, maybe you better check into your husband's and your mental health.

How are you going to explain anything to your child if she wakes up?

There are red flags all over your creepy question.

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